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Although most dogs are amazing at dealing with all the crazy stuff a family can throw their way, they still may need your help. Kids can sometimes be scary to dogs because… they’re KIDS! By nature, they’re just more unpredictable, more uncoordinated and way more likely to get in a dog’s face than most adults. So, to keep them safe, it’s YOUR job to watch and listen. Dogs use their eyes, ears, mouth, tail and whole bodies to show you how they’re feeling. Dogs will usually communicate using their polite, subtle signs (’whispering’) but, if those are ignored, they may resort to growling, snarling or snapping (’shouting’).
Now that you know the signs, watch your dog carefully. The goal is to ensure that your dog ALWAYS feels safe around your kids, but at the first sign that they’re not — give your dog a break! If your child is doing something that is stressing your dog, be sure to move them, far enough away, so that your pup can relax again. After all, if no one is there to protect your dog, they’re left with no choice but to protect themselves — and no one wants that!
Helping your children understand what dogs are saying and teach them a VERY important skill. WHEN TO STAY AND WHEN TO WALK AWAY. If you keep pointing out your dog's body language clues, showing when it is best to leave your dog alone, over time it will just become second nature to your kids, even without prompting. Not only will they understand YOUR dog, but being able to read body language will keep them safer around ALL the OTHER dogs they meet too.
Knowing what a dog looks like when they’re uncomfortable is one thing, it’s another NOT to feel embarrassed by your dog’s bark, growl or show of teeth — and to want to make it go away. BUT remember, that grumble is your dog desperately trying to AVOID a confrontation. So thank them for communicating their issue instead of lashing out — and help them by creating some space.
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It’s hard to believe that 77% of dog bites come from a family or friend’s dog. That means that these aren’t crazy, stray, vicious dogs - they are OUR pet dogs! While this is a really sad statistic, it does mean that WE can do something to CHANGE IT.
Contrary to popular belief, bites RARELY happen out of the blue — and your kids’ actions can play a HUGE role in how safe they are around the dogs they love and live with.
All too often, miscommunication is at the root of the issue. We expect dogs to read our likes and dislikes — but often have no idea how to read theirs. Success is ALL about education — so are you ready for a FUN way for the whole family to learn!?
Check out this website for FREE information to help you and your family!
DISCLAIMER: Due to the lack of regulations and the nature of the animal industry, as well as the changing practices of pet professionals - Midwest Animal Welfare Society, Inc. cannot be responsible for the actions of other pet professional companies and organizations. This includes pet professionals that have trained under the Life Changing Dog Training™ and Communicative LeashWork Process®. We will do our very best to connect you with pet resources and services and educate you on best practices, tools and information to help pet owners. However it is up to you the individual to do your own research and make a decision to hire a pet professional or work with an organization that will best meet you and your animal's needs.
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